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Ann posted a condolence
Monday, April 24, 2017
Mary Stinson, I would like to get in touch with you.
Mary Stinson posted a condolence
Saturday, April 22, 2017
I met Gary and had a huge crush on him when he dazzled as a roller derby star. Many a time I sat and watched him skate at the Olympic Auditorium and the Long Beach Arena. Any time my brothers, parents or friends would take me. I was only 15. I have candid pictures of his time with the T-Birds in old picture albums. For some reason I dreamed of him last night and looked him up on google today. It took awhile for me to even remember his name as I haven't thought about roller derby in 50 years. My condolances to his family and friends. .
Cinda Yates posted a condolence
Saturday, February 25, 2017
You'll never know the difference you made in my life and the lives of many others....actually you probably do...just with us on another plain. I will always see your big grin in my mind and feel your warm friendship in my heart. Peace be with you dear Gary and those you love and loved you, one of them being me❤❤❤ Thank you
elma nicol rabe posted a condolence
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Sorry for your loss of Gary ,he will be missed. God Bless him and his mother and brothers!
Evaristo Martínez Cantillo posted a condolence
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Margie,Melissa,Lorena ,mi familia y yo extrañaremos por siempre tu sonrisa y eterna actitud bondadosa para con todos los que te apreciamos y te queremos aquí en Colombia.
Tu gallardía,inteligencia y buenos modales siempre serán tu referente.Nunca dejarás de estar en nuestra memoria familiar, allí vivirás por siempre.
Luz perpetua en tu camino. We love you forever!
Saydel Girl posted a condolence
Saturday, February 18, 2017
How do we count the lives Gary touched, the light he shed for years? How do we see the difference he made when we are looking through our tears? how do we know the things that are that never would have been without his valiant heart that dared to fight and fight again? How do we know what flowers will bloom from seeds of yesterday, what songs are sung and dreams begun? How do we measure the shining place that time can never pale in all the hearts that cheered him on. How did Gary's spirit soar beyond the suffering and the scars to live with one hand clutching hope and the other on the stars. We may not know why Gary left us behind...but we know this much; his life's brief touch was from the hand of God. Slainte and Tha Gaol Agam Ort......
Margie Torres posted a condolence
Saturday, February 18, 2017
I am very sorry for your loss.
Gary became a very good friend and I am so greatful for having had the deepest honor of meeting him. Our time spent in Barranquilla, Colombia will also be cherished.
Gary, my dear friend you missed.
Thank you for your friendship.
Maria Bickford posted a condolence
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Quiero expresarte lo difícil que ha sido mi vida desde el día que te vi partir nunca te voy a olvidar Gary porque fuistes en mi vida un ser lleno de luz y esperanza compartimos tantas vivencias juntos aun después de habernos separado seguimos siendo los amigos incondicionales que jamas nadie vio tu y yo marcamos la diferencia de las parejas que se separan nosotros seguimos siendo esos amigos incondicionales y no te falle nunca pruebas es que fui yo la que encontro tu cuerpo y quién te cerró los ojos, quién te dio tu beso de despedida de este mundo terrenal y quién te hizo la Primera oracion por el eterno descanso de tu alma te amaré por siempre amigo mio RIP Gary Lee Bickford David.
EdgardoMartinez Forero posted a condolence
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Te sigo pensando como la ultima vez que te vi, como un amigo que se encuentra lejos, recordare mis cortas pero sinceras conversaciones que por pequeñas barreras idiomaticas no fueron mas largas pero las bromas y risas rompian con esas barreras, tu cuerpo volvera a la tierra como esta escrito, pero tu alma permanecera por siempre con los que te queremos, por siempre un amigo te dice hola espero estes muy bien porque el despedirme de ti es como enterrarte; orare por ti como amigo y espero poder verte cuando me toque el momento de partir de este mundo.
Irish Girl posted a symbolic gesture
Monday, January 30, 2017
Who We Are:
Our intention is to provide the citizens of the Vancouver/Portland Metro area the highest quality options for both cremation and burial alternatives. We do not feel that you should have to compromise service, dignity, or integrity in order to have affordable options for final disposition.
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6303 E. 18th. St. Vancouver, WA. 98661, 360.213.2060
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